
Sunday, June 13, 2010

සිවුරු හොරා/සුදු-රෙදි හොරා[siwuru hora/ sudhu redhi hora ]Paradise-Flycatcher (Terpsiphone paradisi)

Two distinct races T.P.paradisi a winter visitor to island during North-East monsoon from India and resident race T.P.ceylonensis occurs in Sri Lanka. It is also believed that resident race which is confined to the low country dry zone during its breeding season, has local migrations in other months of the year. Migrant race with white phase of male popularly known as Sudu redi hora (Sudu redi - white cloth, Hora - thief) can be seen all over the island up to 1700m in forests and garden habitats but only in migratory season. Endemic sub species with orange brown males got its vernacular name Siwuru hora( Siwuru - robes of Buddhist monks) due to its plumage color which is very much similar to color of robe of Buddhist monks is a bird of low country dry zone though move into the wet zone during the migratory season. Female of both races and juveniles like brown phase male but lack the streamers. Food consists entirely of insects taking on the wings.

සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting & important for student...THANK U
