
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Green Garden Lizard (Calotes calotes)

Green garden lizard or Pala Katussa is a common lizard with wide distribution from low lands plains to mid hills. It is highly arboreal and found in both forest and anthropogenic habitats such as home gardens, plantations, etc... However it is rare in Northern part of the country and higher hills (Not recorded of above 1500m a.s.l). It has very characteristic long tail and it can be considered as the largest Calotes species in the country. It feeds mainly on insects but may also take plant materials such as tender buds and flowers. Several color variations has been recorded of this species and it has been observed a quite distinct population from Kachchativu Island

1 comment:

  1. Nice detailed photo. I particular like this lizard species because of its bright green color,and the crimson red sometimes on the head.
