
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Elusive Adjutant (Aethriamanta brevipennis)

Uncommon dragonfly. De  Fonseka (The Dragonflies of Sri Lanka – 2000 ) mentioned that “it is unrepresented in the Museum collection and has not been recorded from here since first mentioned by Selys in 1897”. Fraser says that it is very local and rare. It is also said that it breeds in small weedy tanks surrounded by forest. However I have observed it in fair numbers during most of the months of the year at Anavilundhawa sanctuary -a  wet land Ramsar site in North-Western province - and also once at Girithale tank of Polonnaruwa district. 


  1. Interesting! Looks similar to Pink Skimmer Dragonfly(Orthetrum pruinosum),doesn't it? But this one's abdomen is crimson. What other differences are there between the two?

  2. Hi Amila
    This one has characteristic dilated brilliant vermilion-red abdomen while it is narrow red-violet of Pink Skimmer. Head and thorax of Elusive adjutant are dark black but it is purplish brown of Pink Skimmer. Elusive adjutant is a very small size dragonfly (About 17-20mm) unlike medium size pink skimmer of about 29-31mm.

  3. This came to my backyard in Dehiwala
