
Monday, October 11, 2010

Pied Kingfisher/ගෝමර පිළිහුඩුවා[Gomara pilihuduwa] (Ceryle rudis)

Pied kingfisher is a resident bird usually found in marshes, lagoons, mangroves, slow flowing rivers and tanks of low country. It is common in coastal areas.  It feeds mainly on fish and other aquatic animals catch by hovering over the water surface and suddenly plunging into prey and emerge with it a moment later. It lives in pairs and breeds during March – May in a burrow dig into the bank of a river. 

සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>


  1. I've never seen a real specimen of this beautiful bird.Are they found around Bologoda lake? What about the tanks in Kurunegala? Where did you shoot this pair?

  2. Hi Amila
    It should be there in Bolgoda lake though not sure of Kurunagala. Being a rather coastal bird it is not much common in inland tanks. However contrary to what I said above this picture was taken at Loggal oya reservoir which you come across when you are traveling in Kandy-Mayiyangana Raja mawatha. However I have encountered it in several other places such as Jayawardenapura- Kotte marsh lands, Anavilundawa ramsar site etc

  3. i found this bird in Udawalawa NP ; 2013 08 03 at a remote lake close to gonawiddagala.
