
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Psyche (Leptosia nina)

Psyche is a slow flying common butterfly with island wide distribution throughout the year, though less common above 1500m.  It is usually found fluttering by the low shrub lands of open country and under growth of jungles.  Its larval host plants are Brassica juncea (අබ), Cardamine hirsuta, Nasturtium officinale (කස්තුරු, කක්කු‍ටු පලා, වට‍රැස්ස), Capparis zeylanica, Cleome gynandra, Cleome rutidosperma (Common spider flower)Cleome viscosa (වල් අබ/රන් මානිස්ස/Yellow Spider Flower)Brassica oleracea (Cauliflower, Cabbage & Knol khol are varieties), Cleome aspera, Cadaba fruticosa, Capparis sepiaria, and Crateva adansonii (ලුණුවරණ)


  1. Hi K.
    It is about 32-34mm. Perhalf not tiny but small since there are smaller butterflies live in Sri Lanka than this one and smallest one is little bit smaller than new one rupee coin.:)

  2. Amila
    Its larva feeds on varies Capparis specis and Cleome species of family Capparaceae such as Capparis roxburghii (Velangiriya) and Cleome aspera and Cleome chelidonii known as wal aba.

  3. Hi Bushana, Im citing your blog for one of my photos of Psyche. URL of the blog will be attached in my post.

  4. What is the sri lankan name that butterfly
