
Monday, February 21, 2011

Northern Pintail (Anas acuta)

Very common migrant to lagoons and coastal marshes and tanks of dry zone especially in Northern and South-eastern part of the country. Sometimes it occurs in flocks of many hundreds. It feeds by up-ending in shallow waters of lagoons. And during night it flies to the paddy fields to feed on grains and aquatic animals.  Eventhough it is said that it feeds during night and roost on sandbanks or on the water of lagoons well out in the middle during day time (Henry 1998 3rd Edition & Kotagama & Rathnaveera 2010) I have observed in Vankalai sanctuary of Mannar that it is feeding even during dawn till 8-9 am and again in dusk.  Probably due to the prevailing safe situation there around army camp where hunting of them is impossible.

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