
Sunday, April 24, 2011

සුදු කොතල[Sudu Kotala]/Wild guava (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa)

Large shrub or small tree grows in open places of the hill country above 1500m a.s.l. Indigenous,  Also distributed in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.


  1. This looks like a plant from the Horton's plains with its thick small leaves and dusky colour. Does it belong to guava family?...the flower looks similar.

  2. Not sure how accurate of your criteria of finding of location of plants but you are absolutely correct of the place. Yes it is from Horton plains and exact location is top of the Kirigalpoththa peak. And also it is a plant of cloud forests like Horton plains. Again you are correct, it belong to same Myrtaceae family to which not only guava but several other fruit plants belong including Jambu. Fruit of this plant also known as 'Seetha pera'

  3. well, it was not any "criteria" I was referring to when I described the nature of plants seen in Horton's plains. I was just going by the apparent features I recall from my last trip, of the many trees and shrubs I saw !

  4. Yea good observation :). Anyway what I meant was it might not always correct of identifying plants in Horton plains or any such cloud forest just by thick small leaves and ducky color:)
