
Monday, May 2, 2011

මදටිය[Madatiya]/Saga seed tree/Red sandalwood/Coral tree (Adenanthera pavonina)

An indigenous tree of low country up to about 1300m a.s.l. It is rare in wild but commonly cultivating in home gardens. Hard red wood of this tree is used to make furnitures and red dye yields from wood is used by Brahmins in India to place marks on their foreheads. Pulp made out of seeds with borax and water has a medicinal value. Seeds also use as weights in jewelry industry.
Flowers – Small white cream flowers in long racemes turn to yellow with age.


  1. Hi Bushana,
    I had no idea Madatiya had a medicinal value. Wonder what it is used for.

    we have a madatiya tree just by our wall next to our sliding gate and it seems to be troubling the gate rails. We have tried cutting the roots on that side and capping it with cement. Is that sensible?
    Is it generally a bad idea to grow madatiya near a wall?
    It grows to quickly into a lovely tree with the bunches of spiraling 'karal' its ideal for a garden but for this problem.

  2. Unfortunately my source (Flora of Ceylon vol 1) doesn't contains any description on its medicinal use rather than just mentioning of it has a medicinal value. However according to following web page ( a red powder made from the wood is used as an antiseptic paste. Ground seeds are used to treat boils and inflammations. A decoction of the leaves is used to treat gout and rheumatism. The bark was used to wash hair.

    I don\t think it would severally affect for the tree of just cutting few roots.
    I m not in a position to answer of suitability of growing any tree near wall. But I also believe that there might be some effect on wall due to root system which can penetrate through the foundation and make it weak.
    It may be ideal for gardening but provided enough space since it can grow up to about 20m height

  3. leaves are very good for suger patients

  4. Very useful articles to get some knowledge
