
Friday, July 1, 2011

Jam tree/Jamaican cherry (Muntingia calabura)

Small tree native to Jamaica. Introduced and cultivate in home gardens, and also naturalized along forest edges. Fruit edible. Flowering and fruiting occurs throughout the year.


  1. We have a jam tree in our garden. It gives shelter to our cars. Sometimes the white flowers will cover the windscreen and jam fruits could be found in the wiper.

  2. A perfect human-scale tree, which facilitates many uses at once. It attracts birds & squirrels, provide perfect shade for the human figure with wide-spread-horizontal foliage, grows in to a height of 10-15 feet (not more than that), easily grown on poor conditions even in urban areas. the perfect tree for a pedestrian path.

  3. I like it very much anyone knows how to grow and maintain this lovely tree.thanking you
