
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

තෙබු[Thebu] (Hellenia speciosa [Syn: Costus speciosus])

An indigenous herb of about 2-3m height found in shady places of the low country. Roots use in traditional ayurvedic medicine to cure catarrhal fevers, coughs, dyspepsia, worms and skin diseases (Medicinal plants used in Ceylon part5 – D.M.A. Jayaweera).  Leaves edible and there is a popular belief that it can reduce the sugar level of the blood and hence good for diabetics patients. 


  1. It has got a beautiful flower. I am yet to see a one.

  2. Of course this is really good for diabetes.

  3. Can someone please tell me how can get plant from Thebu as my mother is suffering from diabetes ?

    1. I brought from sri lanka small stick. keep in can with water until root come up. then replace to ground.

  4. Thebu leaves should be taken in moderation just like karavila. I started taking Thebu leaves from mid-January 2014 when I was in Sri Lanka. The effect of Thebu leaves is slower than karavila juice. Results of karavila juice can be seen after 30 minutes. Thebu leaves in a salad form or eaten raw takes about 10 days to register in the system.
    Thebu stems when planted grow wild and can be planted in pots or in any back yard.

  5. Thebu leaves should be taken in moderation just like karavila. I started taking Thebu leaves from mid-January 2014 when I was in Sri Lanka. The effect of Thebu leaves is slower than karavila juice. Results of karavila juice can be seen after 30 minutes. Thebu leaves in a salad form or eaten raw takes about 10 days to register in the system.
    Thebu stems when planted grow wild and can be planted in pots or in any back yard.

  6. Mo.Nazeer@gmail.comMay 18, 2014 at 8:08 PM

    Dear Priyal 85. I can give you a plant if u contact

  7. better u take 1 leav per day after day some patient wil become hypoglyceamic if they consume it more.

  8. I have heard that it has anti mark activity on skin too... is it true? If its true, is it by which part?

  9. This is a common plant seen in our backyard (Kesbewa). Let me know if you want any plants. Very easy to grow.

  10. Thank you Chanaka. On my visits to Colombi I grow them. The flight is too long for the stems to survive. It can be grown indoors because it doesn't need pollination to multiply.
    Maybe the leaves can be dehydrated like the gotukola and jaraoibcha they sell at the stores here in Canada

  11. Is it enhance the growing of cancer cells in the body?
