
Friday, August 5, 2011

Black Flat ( Celaenorrhinus spilothyrus )

Black Flat is a common butterfly usually found in jungles of wet lowlands to mid hills.  Woodhouse remarks that “At Corbet’s gap, near Madugoda, it can be taken all the year round and both sexes are plentiful there in March and April” (Woodhouse L.G.O. The Butterfly fauna of Ceylon 1950).  Male Black Flat of above picture was also taken at same area while on my way to  Dothalugala peak.  It has a habit of settling on the underside of a leaf with its wings spread out flat and  it seldom flies far even disturbed.  Its larva feeds on Barleria arnottiana, Barleria involucrata, Strobilanthes adenophora, Strobilanthes viscosa var. viscosa, Gymnostachyum sanguinolentum, Strobilanthes diandra, Strobilanthes lupulina, Strobilanthes rhamnifolia, and Strobilanthes vestita

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