
Saturday, June 9, 2012

කහ කුරුල්ලා[Kaha Kurulla]/Black-hooded Oriole/Black-headed Oriole (Oriolus xanthornus ceylonensis)

Black-hooded Oriole is a common breeding resident of the country inhabiting forests, gardens and such wooded places from lowlands to mid hills. It feeds on fruits and insects by flying from tree to tree usually as pairs or as small family parties. The breeding season lasts from October to May. 

සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>


  1. Very common creature in my home garden too. nice capture as usual

  2. Tried taking them so many times. but couldn't get this close and sharp !

  3. Thanks Dilshan
    And Patali - Yes it is one of the most difficult bird to photograph. Though I encounter them daily in my home garden all attempts to capture it so far in varies time were unsuccessful. Finally I could capture this one with much better details in Thalangama wet land while it was busy with its partner in attacking a Shikra

  4. very nice pic .must have used a long lens

  5. can someone let me know if it is legal to catch and cage the bird, I Know of a person who has done this and would like to advise this person if illegal.

  6. I had a fruit bird feeder and a pair used to visit and eat fruit till two weeks ago and hear its sing from the Kottamba tree but now they are not seen or heard. Do they migrate for nesting??
