
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Drepanosticta bine

An endemic forest damselfly inhabiting shady rain forest streams of South-western wet zone from 50 to 500 m altitude. It is currently known from only 16 localities in Kegalle, Nuwaraeliya, Kaluthara, Rathnapura, Galle and Mathra districts (Bedjanič, M., 2010). Its flying period is from end April-May until September-October.

My observations

1) Observed at Dombagaskandha forest reserve at Ingiriya (One of the above mentioned 16 localities) in June 2011 and July 2012.

2) At Lankagama - a buffer zone village of Sinharaja world heritage site - in July 2008[Two years before formal description]. ( Although it has been already recorded from Kudawa side of the Sinharaja not so far from the Neluwa entrance. A stream in Haycock range of Hiniduma area is the nearest location mentioned in above 16 localities to the Lankagama)

3) At Halpankandha forest reserve (7°12.806'N, 80°08.894'E) of Meerigama in Gampaha district in May 2012 (New locality)


Bedjanič, M., 2010. Three new Drepanosticta species from Sri Lanka (Zygoptera: Platystictidae). Odonatologica 39(3): 195-215. 

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