
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Tricolor Pied Flat (Coladenia indrani tissa )

Rather uncommon butterfly occurs all over the island from sea level to about 700m asl . It has a fast flight though often does not fly far when disturbed and settles under side of a leaf with its wings spread out flat. Its larva feeds on leaves of varies plants such as Pterospermum suberifolium [Fishing rod tree/වෙලං], Berrya cordifolia [Trincomalee wood/හල්මිල්ල], Grewia damine[දමිණිය]Grewia helicterifolia [බොරු දමිණිය]Grewia orientalis [වැල් කෑලිය/වැල් මැදිය]Microcos paniculata [කෑලිය/කොහුකිරිල්ල], Streblus asper, Grewia carpinifolia, Pityranthe verrucosa, Helicteres isora [ලීනිය] and Bridelia retusa [කැටකෑල] 

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