
Friday, April 17, 2015

Common Bluebottle (Graphium sarpedon teredon)

Common butterfly flies all the year round in the southwestern wet lowlands up to the hills. Rather local and uncommon in the dry lowlands and absent in the extreme north. Males often come to mud puddling. It has a fast flight. Bluebottle does not take part in migrations. Larva feeds on leaves of Cinnamomum verum (කුරුදු), Cinnamomum capparu-coronde (කපුරු කුරුඳු), Cinnamomum dubium (සෙවල කුරුඳු), Cinnamomum ovalifolium, Neolitsea cassia (කුඩුදවුල/දවුල් කුරුදු), Neolitsea fuscata (කුඩු දවුල) , Litsea gardneri (තලන්), Actinodaphne stenophylla (නික දවුල)Persea americana (අලිගැට පේර/Avacado/Alligator pear), Actinodaphne glauca and Neolitsea Zeylanica of the family Lauraceae.

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