
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Vagrant Thrushes (Family: Turdidae) recorded in Sri Lanka

     Birds that appear outside their normal range are known as vagrants. This post summarizes up to date published sight records of vagrants of the family Turdidae (Thrushes ) in Sri Lanka.    

     1) Eyebrowed Thrush [Dark Thrush] (Turdus obscurus)
Graham Speight of UK reported a bird first time on 24th February 1994 at Nuwaraeliya. The same bird was reported by Ole F. Jakobsen in Forktail 10 (February 1995) as having been seen on 5th February 1994 (Hoffmann, T. W., 1995) A sight record of it again reported from Nuwaraeliya in February 2002 (Siriwardana, U., 2003). Another bird observed at Horton plains NP on December 2005 (Sirivardana U. & Warakagoda  D. , 2006). Subsequent sights records are--
Hoffmann, T. W., 1995. Ceylon Bird Club Notes 1994. Loris, 20(5), 226-227.
Siriwardana, U., 2003. Report from the Ceylon Bird Club for 2002. Loris, 23(3&4), 36-39.
Sirivardana U. & Warakagoda  D. , 2006. Report from the Ceylon Bird Club for 2005 Loris 24(3& 4), 24 - 28

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