
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Zebra Blue (Syntarucus plinius)

Common butterfly occurs throughout the island up to higher hills. It is one of the commonest in drier parts of the country where male Zebra blues are always seen congregated around mud puddles and other moist areas. Larva feeds on flowers of  Plumbago auriculata(Cape leadwort)Plumbago zeylanica(එළ-නිතුල්/Ceylon leadwort/White plumbago)Rhynchosia minima, Indigofera tinctoria (නිල් අවරි),  Indigofera linnaei (බිං අවරි)Aeschynomene americana (Thornless mimosa) and Ormocarpum sennoides subsp. hispidum.

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