
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Chestnut-shouldered Petronia (Annotated checklist of vagrant Sparrows (Family: Passeridae) recorded in Sri Lanka)

Birds that appear outside their normal range are known as vagrants. This post summarizes up to date published sight records of vagrants of the family Passeridae (Sparrows & allies) in Sri Lanka.

Chestnut-shouldered Petronia[Yellow-throated Sparrow] (Petronia xanthocollis xanthocollis)
Legge procured two specimens from a considerable flock in company with a number of Weaver birds, on some openly-wooded grass-land near the sea, close to Madampe while on a trip to Chilaw in October 1876. It is the only record hitherto of this species in Sri Lanka (Legge 1880: 783).

Legge V., 1880. A History of the birds of Ceylon  1983 second edition.

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