
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Siam weed/Devil weed/Common floss flower (Chromolaena odorata [Eupatorium odoratum])

An introduced large herb native to tropical South America. It was first introduced an ornamental at Peradeniya botanical garden in 1884 where it subsequently dead out. When it was next introduced is not recorded but during 1937-1947 it became naturalized in Balangoda  Ratnapura area and spread rapidly up to extend that it was considered as a dangerous weed in 1944. It is now listed as an invasive which is very common along roadsides, waste grounds and forest clearings at lower elevations. Flowering from January to July. 

Monday, June 29, 2015

හීන්-බින්-තල්[Heen-Bin-Tal]/Yellow ground star(Curculigo orchioides)

Locally common native herb occurs in grasslands, patanas and open areas in forests from sea level to about 2000 m a.s.l. Flowering throughout the year. Used in medicine. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Cat's whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus)

A herb native to southeast Asia, cultivated in gardens as an ornamental. 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Indochinese Cuckooshrike (Annotated checklist of vagrant Cuckooshrikes (Family: Campephagidae) of Sri Lanka)

      Birds that appear outside their normal range are known as vagrants. This post listed up to date published sight records of single *unconfirmed vagrant of the family Campephagidae (Cuckooshrikes  and Minivets) in Sri Lanka.   

     1) Indochinese Cuckooshrike (Coracina polioptera)
Single sight record at Sigiriya in February 1993 by A.J. Vincent is the only record. (Kotagama S. & Ratnavira G. 2010:287).

Kotagama, S., Ratnavira, G. 2010. An illustrated Guide to the Birds of Sri Lanka. Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka, Colombo.

*Species for which there are only one or two sight records exist categorized here as unconfirmed vagrants. Problematic records without sufficient details are also included. 

Friday, June 26, 2015

ක‍ටු ඉකිරි/නීරමුල්ලිය [Katu-ikiri/Neeramulliya] (Hygrophila auriculata [Syn: Hygrophila schulli])

Common indigenous herb occurs in marshy places and roadside ditches of both wet and dry zone. Especially along edges of dry zone tanks and ponds. Flowering from January to October. Roots use in medicine and leaf congee is made from the plant.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

විල[Wila]/Sparrow false pimpernel(Bonnaya antipoda [Syn: Lindernia antipoda])

Common indigenous decumbent or prostrate herb occurs among grass in paddy fields, roadsides, tank and pond edges and humus-filled rocky hollows in wet and dry lowlands and up to about 550 m altitude in the wet hills. Flowering throughout the year.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

කිරි බදු [Kiri badu]/Giant potato(Ipomoea mauritiana)

An introduced vine with origin uncertain (Closest relatives are found in the West Indies and South America). Naturalized in lowland forests, riverine forests, secondary bushlands, cultivated field margins and savannas. Also encountered frequently near beaches and cultivated in home gardens. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Olax scandens

Rather common indigenous climbing shrub occurs in secondary dry lowland forests, rocky slopes, etc. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

White Hedge Blue (Udara akasa mavisa)

A very local butterfly. But as per Ormiston (The butterflies of Ceylon - W. Ormiston)  plentiful where it occurs (HaputhaleHaldummulla and Nuwaraeliya especially during the March to April). It is usually found near streams in the hills. Males settles on wet patches on roads and females usually hovering among bushes and settle on flowers. No records available on its early stages or larval host plants*. This is probably the first photograph taken of  the White Hedge Blue in its natural habitats in Sri Lanka.

* As per Van der Poorten G.M. & Van der Poorten N.E., 2016 Female laying eggs were observed on developing buds of Persicaria chinensis. (2021/05/30)

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Peregrina(Jatropha integerrima[Jatropha pandurifolia])

An introduced shrub or small tree native to Cuba. Cultivated in gardens, Not naturalized.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

දිය සියඹලා/හීන් දිය සියඹලා [Diya Siyambala, Heen Diya Siyambala]/Indian jointvetch/Budda pea (Aeschynomene indica)

Common indigenous large erect herb occurs near tanks and paddy fields in the drier part of the country up to the hills. Flowering from July to November.

Friday, June 19, 2015

ගල් කූර/මහ ගල්-කූර[Gal Kura, Maha-Galkura](Melochia corchorifolia)

Common indigenous herb occurs along roadsides, edges of weedy fields, grassy areas between paddy fields & forest edges,etc. from sea level to about 150 m altitude. Often found in rather wet places.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

පොල් පලා/පොල් කුඩු පලා[Pol-Kudu Pala, Pol Pala](Ouret lanata [Syn : Aerva lanata])

Common indigenous herb occurs in disturbed or waste sandy grounds, sand flats, open areas in scrub and rocky slopes in dry regions. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

මහ දිය සියඹලා[Maha diyasiyabala] /Pith plant/Shola/Shola pith(Aeschynomene aspera)

Common native erect herb occurs in water or wet places. Usually along the borders of tanks. Pith of the stems is used to make fishing floats, toys & sun hats. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Chalcosia sp. (Chalcosia venosa?)

Location - Meethirigala forest reserve
Expanse - Male: 3.8cm cm Female: 4.5cm
Reference - The Lepidoptera of Ceylon - F. Moore, F.Z.S. Vol 2 Page 45.

Monday, June 15, 2015

හිරමන-දැත්ත[Hiramana-daththa]/Frogfruit/Bank mat (Phyla nodiflora)

An indigenous creeping herb occurs in moist places like tank edges, seacoast, dry river beds, etc.  Flowering throughout the year. Used in medicine and leaves said to be edible.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

ගම්-මිරිස්/ගම්-මිරිස්-වැල්[Gam-Miris/Gam-Miris-Wel]/Black-Pepper(Piper nigrum)

A twining herb native to eastern and western ghats of India. Introduced in an unknown period of the history and naturalized in secondary and disturbed primary forests of the wet zone up to about 800 m elevations. Also cultivated in large scale. 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

කැලණිතිස්ස[Kelanitissa]/Yellow elder/Yellow trumpet flower (Tecoma stans)

An introduced shrub or small tree native to tropical America. Widely planted along roads and in gardens. Not naturalized. Flowering intermittently throughout the year.

Friday, June 12, 2015

ගස් බැබිල[Gas-Bebila]/Common sida/Common wireweed(Sida acuta)

Common indigenous herb or small shrub occurs in roadsides and waste places in the lower elevations. 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Common Dartlet (Oriens goloides)

An uncommon butterfly occurs in grassy areas all over the island up to mid-hills. It often found settled on grass by the roadsides. If disturbed, darts off rapidly and usually settles again near by shrub. Common Dartlet larva feeds on Setaria barbata (තණ කොළ)Cyrtococcum trigonum and also Axonopus compressus only when offered.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ophiopogon intermedius

An indigenous herb occurs in forest shade of moist region, mid-country and montane areas. flowering from February to September.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

ලුනුවිල[Lunuwila]/Water hyssop/Thyme leaved gratiola(Bacopa monnieri)

Common indigenous herb with creeping stems. Occurs in open marshy lands and along banks of ponds and creeks of the lowlands. Usually close to the coast. Flowering throughout the year. Used in Ayurvedic medicine. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

Lepidagathis fasciculata

An indigenous perennial herb occurs along roadsides among grasses in mid-country and dry lowlands. Flowering March-April & August- October.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Geometrid moth (Cusuma limbata?) Cusuma sp.

A female Cusuma sp. photographed at Gilimale forest reserve of Rathnapura district.
Wing expanse - 6cm
Reference - The Lepidoptera of Ceylon - F. Moore, F.Z.S. Vol 3 Page 424.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Torenia courtallensis [Syn: Torenia aerinea]

Prostrate herb with ascending branches grows under shade in damp grassy grounds in the upper hills above 1800m a.s.l.Flowering throughout the year. 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Knoxia zeylanica

An endemic perennial herb occurs in lowland forests and open places in the wet  zone

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Wild allamanda/Hammock viper's tail/Sundial (Pentalinon luteum)

Woody climber native to tropical America,West Indies and Florida. Cultivated widely in home gardens. Flowering probably throughout the year.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Pied Fantail (Annotated checklist of vagrant Fantails (Family: Rhipiduridae) of Sri Lanka)

      Birds that appear outside their normal range are known as vagrants. This post listed up to date published sight records of single *unconfirmed vagrant of the family Rhipiduridae (Fantails) in Sri Lanka.

      1)Pied Fantail (Rhipidura javanica)
Single sight record of A.J. Vincent at Yala National Park in April 1994 is the only record. (Kotagama S. & Ratnavira G. 2010: 276).

Kotagama, S., Ratnavira, G. 2010. An illustrated Guide to the Birds of Sri Lanka. Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka, Colombo.

*Species for which there are only one or two sight records exist categorized here as unconfirmed vagrants. Problematic records without sufficient details are also included. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Eranthemum capense

Common indigenous herb occurs under shade of shrubs and trees in forests of dry lowlands and mid country. Flowering from January to June and August to September.

Monday, June 1, 2015

හරන්-කහ[Haran-kaha] (Curcuma aromatica [Syn: Curcuma zedoaria])

Cultivated and naturalized herb in Sri Lanka, India and Southeast Asia.Country of origin unknown. The rhizome is used in medicinally and perfumery.