
Monday, June 22, 2015

White Hedge Blue (Udara akasa mavisa)

A very local butterfly. But as per Ormiston (The butterflies of Ceylon - W. Ormiston)  plentiful where it occurs (HaputhaleHaldummulla and Nuwaraeliya especially during the March to April). It is usually found near streams in the hills. Males settles on wet patches on roads and females usually hovering among bushes and settle on flowers. No records available on its early stages or larval host plants*. This is probably the first photograph taken of  the White Hedge Blue in its natural habitats in Sri Lanka.

* As per Van der Poorten G.M. & Van der Poorten N.E., 2016 Female laying eggs were observed on developing buds of Persicaria chinensis. (2021/05/30)

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