
Friday, August 7, 2015

Lyrate Grappletail (Heliogomphus lyratus)

In June 1926 G,M, Henry collected a single male and female of this very rare and probably seasonal dragonfly from the Haldummulla. F.C. Fraser later on described it as a new Gomphidae species endemic to the Sri Lanka base on those specimens. For over 80 years till in May 2009 Matjaz Bedjanic's records of single male in Kitulgala and a female in Morawaka-Diyadawa road on the slopes of Diyadawa forest, that was the sole available information of this species.
  We could observe and photograph a Male and female on early April of 2015 at a small well shaded stream of Kukulugala proposed forest reserve in the Ratnapura district. Female was oviposting in a small water hole of the stream during our observation and male when disturbed rapidly flew directly upward up to certain height.

* Another single male observed end of May 2015 while settled on a leaf along the roadside from Athweltota to Rusigala in Kaluthara district, a rather disturbed and open habitat comparing to the all of above locations.


de Fonseka, T. (2000). The dragonflies of Sri Lanka. Wildlife Heritage Trust: Colombo. 304 p. 

Fraser F.C. 1933 The Gomphines of Ceylon (Order Odonata), F.C. Fraser, Ceylon Journal of Science (B) Vol. XVIII, Pt 1 December 22, 1933 page 33 

Bedjanic, M., K. Conniff, N. van der Poorten & A. Salamun, 2014. Dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka: Distribution and biology, with threat status of its endemics. Pensoft, Sofia. 321pp.

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