
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Blue Glassy Tiger (Ideopsis similis exprompta)

Rather common butterfly restricted to the southwestern coast from Negombo to Galle, not occurring inland more than 32 km s. Blue Glassy Tiger especially flies in mangrove and marsh habitats. However it can be also observed in inland wet lowland forests such as Sinharaja, Morapitiya-Runakandha and Kanneliya. Larva feeds on Vincetoxicum indicum (බිං නුග)Vincetoxicum flexuosum var. tenuis,  and Anodendron paniculatum leaves (Ovipositing also observed on Parsonsia alboflavescens [කිරි අඟුණ/වල් අඟුණ] though larvae refused to feed on them when given in the lab).
          Major N. Manders while considering the restricted distribution of this butterfly doubted that it may be an accidentally introduced species to the island from the China via Galle harbor. Before completion of the breakwater at Colombo, Galle was the first port in the island and introduction of this butterfly may have been occured during that period (Manders N., 1904) As per Manders distribution of this insect at that time was "...coast and twenty miles or so inland, that is to say, the foothills extending from Galle in the south to about ten miles beyond Colombo on the north." 

Manders N., 1904 Butterflies of Ceylon, The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society V. 16 (1904-1906)

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