
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wormbush/Pinkroot(Spigelia anthelmia)

An introduced annual herb native to tropical America. Naturalized along roadsides, home gardens and waste places in Southern and western part of the Country.


  1. Do you have a sinhala name for this plant? I know that this is West Indian pinkroot (Spigelia anthelmia) also known as worm bush or wormgrass is highly poisonous
    (especially the fruits). Native to tropical and subtropical
    America and has been introduced to other parts of the world
    including Sri Lanka and naturalized in Africa.

    It's quite pretty - the shape of the
    leaves and positioning, the bright green fluffy fruits and pink flowers. Supposed to be used in homeopathic medicine.

    Really appreciate if you can find the sinhala name. Thanks.
