
Sunday, February 9, 2020

Black Wattle (Acacia mearnsii)

An introduced tree native to Australia. Planted in some locations in the higher hills. An invasive tree in some other countries where this tree has been introduced (Vlas J. & Vlas J., 2014). Dasanayaka M.D & Fosberg F.R, 1980. recorded it from Pattipola. Few trees can be still observed along the road from Pattipola to Ohiya via Horton Plains National Park. Will it be a threat to the native and rare endemic plants of the Horton Plains National Park sooner or later?

Dasanayaka M.D & Fosberg F.R, 1980, A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon Volume 1
Vlas J. & Vlas J., 2014, Illustrated field guide to the flowers of Sri Lanka, Volume 2

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