
Saturday, May 25, 2024

Greater Painted Snipe/රජ උලු-කැස්වටුවා/මල් කැස්වටුවා [Raja Ulu Keswatuwa/Mal Keswatuwa] (Rostratula benghalensis)

Rather rare, local and shy breeding residents of marshes, secluded corners of paddy fields and small pools in the lowlands and lower hills. It lives as solitary birds, as pairs or occasionally as small groups. Greater Painted Snipe active mostly during the morning and late evening. It feeds on water insects, small snails, worms and also grains such as paddy. The breeding season lasts from November to May and it builds a nest, a solid pad of grass blades, reeds, etc. placed on the ground, often in an isolated grass-tussock on the margin of a marsh or on a paddy-field bund and lays four eggs. The female takes the active part of the courtship, fighting with other females for possession of the male and entrusting the male all the duties of incubation and tending of the young. Female bird is also observed as a polyandrous and she mates with multiple males. 

සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>

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