
Saturday, January 5, 2013

කවුඩා[Kawuda]/White-bellied Drongo(Dicrurus caerulescens)

Common breeding resident from lowlands to mid hills. It occurs as two races D.c. insularis (White-bellied Drongo) is the dry zone form which is common in dry lowlands and drier hills and D.c.leucopygialis (White-vented Drongo) common in wet zone and near by hills. It inhabits well wooded country, tea and rubber plantations, and home gardens but avoids deep forests. White-bellied Drongo lives as solitary birds or as pairs. It feeds on flying insects catching on wing from sallying out a fence post or telegraph wire probably to come back to same perch with its catch. It has a habit of imitating other birds such as Shikra, Magpie- robin etc. and mewing of the cat. It breeds from February to March.

සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>

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