
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Three-spot Grass Yellow (Eurema blanda silhetana)

Three-spot Grass Yellow is a very common insect found in the low country wet zone and hills while becoming rare towards the North of the country. The larva feeds on Archidendron clypearia subsp. subcoriaceum (මිමිණි මාර)Entada zeylanica, Albizia chinensis, Albizia lebbeck, Albizia odoratissima, Archidendron bigeminum (කලටිය), Caesalpinia bonduc (කුඹුරු/කුඹුරු වැල්/කළු වවුලැටිය/Grey Nicker), Caesalpinia hymenocarpa, Cassia fistula (ඇහැළ/Indian Laburnum/Shower of Gold)Entada rheedei (පුස් වැල්)Falcataria moluccana, Senna alata (රට තෝර/Candle bush/Candle stick/Rinworm shrub)Senna surattensis (Scrambled-egg-tree)Calliandra surinamensis and Acacia decurrens of family Fabaceae