
Friday, October 24, 2014

Grass Demon (Udaspes folus)

An uncommon butterfly probably occurs all over the island where its larval host plants available, excluding higher hills  . Both Ormiston (Ormiston  W., 1924)  and Woodhouse (Woodhouse L.G.O. , 1950) treated it as a very rare insect in Sri Lanka. However now a days it seems to be not such a rarity, probably due to adopting of its larva to feeds on varies exotic plants such as Curcuma longa[කහ/Turmeric], Curcuma zedoaria [හරන් කහ]Hedychium coronarium [එළ මල්], Kaempferia galanga [හිඟුරු පියලි], Alpinia calcarata (කලා කීරිය/කටු කීරිය/Indian Ginger/Snap-Ginger) and Zingiber officinale [ඉඟුරු/Ginger] some of them are widely cultivated. Curcuma oligantha is the only known larval food plant of it which is not introduced but indigenous (ibid).


Ormiston  W., 1924 The Butterflies of Ceylon, H.W.Cave & Co., Colombo 1924, AES Reprint New Delhi, 2003
Woodhouse L.G.O. , 1950 The Butterfly Fauna of CeylonCeylon Government Press, Colombo, 2nd (Abriged) Edition.  1950.

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