Thursday, November 29, 2012

හාවා[Hawa]/Black-naped Hare/Indian Hare (Lepus nigricollis)

Black-naped Hare is well distributed in scrub and grasslands throughout the island. It is nocturnal in habit in most areas and during day time lies up in a well camouflaged sheltered patch in the undergrowth. But in the protected areas such as in national parks, it is active even during the day time, mostly in the morning hours. Black-naped Hare is an almost entirely herbivorous mammal and feeds on grasses, shoots, young leaves etc. It doesn't have definite breeding season and produces one or two young ‘leverets’ at any time of the year. 

සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>


  1. Love ur photos & descriptions, if can add area where photo taken to get an idea about species distribution.

    1. Thanks
      I have already started to add location with my recent posts unless and otherwise it is very rare species and found in a unprotected area. This hare was captured at Yala NP.
