Altitude (ft)
Forests of Dimbula (in
Gammaduwa in the east
Mathale hills
Adam’s peak wilderness
It is believed that Small flying squirrel is feeds on wild
fruits, berries, nuts, shoots and young leaves and possibly also sappy bark of
certain trees (Phillips W.W.A., 1981)
Small flying squirrel is purely nocturnal and arboreal and it
spends day time in a hole of a tree trunk or branch of a large tree. It carries
its tail curled over its back when stationery and feeding. Not much information
available on its breeding and it is said that two young are born in a hole,
lined with vegetable fibres, etc. in which their mother lives day hours.
Observation and
On 14th January 2014 we were able to observe and
photograph a Small flying squirrel at a place close to the Sinharaja forest
reserve (Outside the protected area) from around 11.30 PM to 3.00AM of 15th
January 2014 (It was not at the site continuously during the observation period
but appeared there time to time). It was observed about 2m above the ground while feeding probably on young shoots and leaves of a mango tree (Mangifera indica). Short distance (less than 3m) gliding
also noticed at least once during the observation period. Most of the
time except when moving from one place to another it kept its tail draped over
its back. It was not much shy and not paid
much attention toward camera flashes and torch
lights. According to all available published data
this might be the second instance of the physical observation of this rare
mammal in recent history with photographic evidences and first instance of observing it in Sinharaja forest reserve area though existing of it there has been already proved with camera traps (Jayasekara et.al., 2007). Most important fact here is
that this observation was made not inside the dense forest but small secondary forest area close to Kudawa
conservation center office and this observation highlights the important of conserving not only Sinharaja
forest itself but also buffer zone forest areas surrounding the Sinharaja
heritage site.
Kurup G.U., 1989 Rediscovery of small Travancore Flying Squirrel. Oryx 23: 2-3
Phillips W.W.A., 1980 Manual of the mammals of Sri Lanka Part 2: 175-177
Weerakoon D. K. 2012. The Taxonomy and Conservation Status of Mammals in Sri Lanka. In: The National Red List 2012 of Sri Lanka; Conservation Status of the Fauna and Flora. Weerakoon, D.K. & S. Wijesundara Eds.,Ministry of Environment, Colombo, Sri Lanka 134-144pp
Yapa A. and Ratnavira G. 2013 The Mammals of Sri Lanka 212-213