A very
rare dragonfly recorded only once in Sri
Lanka from the Kandy according to the Terrence de
Fonseka (de Fonseka T., 2000). However 2012 National red list listed it under Near Threatened category probably due to records of more occurrences of it in the island than previously thought. Both sexes are similar and it can be easily
identified by the amber color patch on the hind-wing. It is said that it breeds on weedy tanks and where males can be found waiting for females( de Fonseka T., 2000 quoting Fraser ). I have encountered two
specimens on 16th February 2013 close to the Kalu River at Dombagaskandha forest reserve in Ingiriya. First one was flying about 2-3 m above the ground (Time - Around 1PM) close to a
tributary of Kalu River .
Second one was resting on a road side shrub during the evening (Time - Around 4 PM).