Sunday, January 6, 2019

White-bellied Sea Eagle/White-bellied Fish Eagle/කුසඇලි මුහුදුකුස්සා/මුහුදු රාජාලියා (Haliaeetus leucogaster)

Rather uncommon breeding resident of lowlands to lower hills, while more common in the dry lowlands. Also a regular visitor to the higher hills and occasionally seen in large lakes of the wet zone. It inhabits coastal areas, large tanks, along rivers, estuaries and lagoons as solitary birds or usually as pairs. As its name implies its principal food consists of fish and sea-snakes. White-bellied Sea Eagle breeds from December to March, making a huge nest of sticks in a tall tree, often on a small island or rocky promontory. The same nest is added to year by year. Normally two eggs forms the clutch.

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