Sunday, December 26, 2021

Indian Awl King (Choaspes benjaminii)

 Indian Awl King is a rather uncommon butterfly restricted to the hill country forests above 1500 m a.s.l. But there are few records of observing it at some slightly lower elevations as well. Its larval food plants are Meliosma simplicifolia (ඇල්බැද්ද) and Meliosma arnottiana (නික දවුල). Male Indian Awl Kings are usually settle on wet roads, stream beds and strongly attracted by bird droppings. As per W. Ormiston who wrote about this butterfly in 1924 it was a fairly common butterfly of the hills and was formerly very plentiful on the cart road below the Haputale jungle, but he noted that since the Forest Department has cleared out the original vegetation and planted Eucalyptus in its places this and other butterflies have, of course disappeared. But he mentioned that it was still common between Haputale and Ohiya. He had collected it from Maskeliya, the hills above Ratnapura, Kandy as well as Haldummula which is rather low as 3500 ft.