Monday, December 9, 2024

Ruddy-breasted Crake/රතු මැටි කොරවක්කා/ළය රතු විල් කෙරැළියා [Rathu Meatikorawakka/Laya Rathi Wilkereliya] (Zapornia fusca)

An uncommon breeding resident inhabiting dense vegetation of marshes, paddy fields and other such areas from lowlands to about 1400 m altitude of the hills. Population is also increased during the northern winter months with migrant birds. Ruddy-breasted Crake is a very shy bird and lives as solitary birds or sometime as pairs. It breeds from June to September. The nest composed of reeds and grasses, is placed on the ground under dense cover in marshes or floating in the water. It lays 3 to 6 eggs.