migrant and summer loiterer to lagoons, brackish lakes and salt-pans of Northern,
Eastern and Southeastern coastal areas. Mainly occurring in Jaffna , Mannar and Bundala salterns usually
as large flocks of several hundreds or sometimes in thousands. Greater Flamingo mainly feeds on vegetable
substances and small aquatic animals. Even though breeding of it has not been recorded from Sri Lanka nest mounds build up of mud were observed in Bundala national park several times. The
nearest breeding site from where Sri Lankan migrants probably come situated in the Rann of Kutch on the west coast between India and Pakistan .
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Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Monday, May 27, 2013
Common Lanka Skink (Lankascincus fallax)
common skink widely distributed throughout the country from sea level to about
1050 m altitude in all climatic zones. It can be found among leaf litters or under logs and
stones during the night and become active in the morning and evening. It is
said that Common Lanka Skink forages in morning around 7.30 and in the evening
around 5- 6 Pm on insects (Das, I. & De Silva, A., 2005).
Throat color of male varies from blackish to reddish during the breeding season
and always has some white spots on the throat. This skink can be easily distinguished
from other member of the genus Lankascincus by having fused frontoparietals instead of distinct divided frontoparietals of others.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
මොණරා [Monara]/Indian Peafowl (Pavo cristatus)

සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Little Egret(Egretta garzetta)
Very common
breeding resident found in swamps, paddy fields, lagoons, canals, tanks and mangroves
from lowlands to lower hills while uncommon in higher hills. It feeds mainly on
fish and other aquatic animals often associating with other egrets and herons. The
breeding season is from December to May and it builds a nest –A platforms of
sticks - in trees usually near water, colonially with other water birds.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Lesser Crested Tern (Thalasseus bengalensis)
Locally common
winter visitor and occasional summer loiterer to lagoons, salt-pans, sand spits
and estuaries of most coastal areas. It keeps in small to large flocks usually
with other terns and gulls. Lesser Crested Tern feeds on fish, plunging from some height at
espied fish while flying above the water surface, and the fish is swallowed on the wing.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Friday, May 17, 2013
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Garganey (Anas querquedula)
Garganey is probably
the most abundant of our migratory ducks. It is very common winter visitor as large
flocks to the coastal lagoons, large tanks and marshes of dry lowlands. Small
flocks can be found rarely in inland tanks and wet lowlands. It is highly gregarious bird and often
associating with other migratory ducks such as Northern Pintail, Common Teal
and Northern Shoveler. It feeds on grain such as rice and also insects, crustaceans and mollusks, mostly during the night. During the
day time it spends far from the shore floating in a close flock (Henry G.M.
1998). However diurnal feeding sometime
up-ending in lagoons and large water bodies can be observed nowadays probably
due to lack of ‘Duck shooting’ as it prevailed during Henry’s time.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Brook Hooktail (Paragomphus henryi)
common dragonfly inhabiting fast flowing streams and rivers in submontane areas
according to the de Fonseka (de Fonseka T., 2000) and hills and mountain
regions as per bedjanic, M.,, 2007. However F.C. Fraser in
1933 noted that it is the commonest Gomphine in the island found in everywhere
at all elevations (Fraser F.C. 1933). Probably what he meant is in suitable habitats as
he elaborated further that it is a jungle insect usually found sunning itself
on rocks in mid streams. With the recent distribution data of Brook Hooktail in the island M. Bedjanic concluded that P. henryi is not so common anymore, being known from around 70 localities concentrated in central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka (Bedjanic M., 2013) Above picture was taken at lowland rain forest
stream of southwestern Sri Lanka (Indikada Mookalana – A heavily degraded
secondary forest) with about 40m height above sea level (6°54.072'N, 80°09.724'E). Males Brook
Hooktail can be easily distinguished from all others of the family by having
long hook like down-curved anal appendages (insert). Female lack that
Fraser F.C. 1933 The Gomphines of Ceylon (Order Odnata), F.C.
Fraser, Ceylon Journal
of Science (B) Vol. XVIII, Pt 1 December
22, 1933 page 33
bedjanic, M., K. Conniff & G. |de Silva Wijeyeratne, 2007, Gehan's photo guide: Dragonflies of Sri Lanka. Jetwing Eco Holidays, Colombo 248p.
de Fonseka, T. (2000). The dragonflies of Sri Lanka. Wildlife Heritage Trust: Colombo. 304 p.
bedjanic, M. 2013 Paragomphus Campestris Spec.Nov., A New endemic dragonfly from Sri Lanka (Ansoptera:Gomphidae) Odonatologica 42(1): 45-53 March 1, 2013 (,%202013.pdf)
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Stork-billed Kingfisher/Manathudu Maha-pilihuduwa/Maha Pilihuduwa(Pelargopsis capensis capensis)
Stork-billed Kingfisher is the largest of the Kingfisher family in Sri
Lanka . It is an uncommon breeding resident in
rivers, streams tanks, marshes, paddy fields, and lagoons - usually adjoining wooded
areas- from lowlands to lower hills. It is more common in dry zone. Stork-billed
Kingfisher lives as pairs or solitary birds. It mainly feeds on fish, frogs, crabs and
other small animals. The breeding season is from January to May and probably
again from August to September. The nest is a well concealed hole on the banks
of rivers or tank-bunds.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Angled Pierrot (Caleta decidia)
Angled Pierrot is an uncommon butterfly more partial to the jungle
habitats of wet lowlands up to mid hills. De’ Abrera noted that Angled Pierrot
is neither a ‘mud-puddler- nor a creature of open countryside (de’Abrera B., 1998).
However mud-puddling individuals are not uncommon and also it inhabits open
areas but always close to the jungles such as jungle foot paths (Above picture
was also taken at such a habitat and it was mud puddling on a muddy foot path though it has flew away and settled on a near by shrub where picture was taken). It is frequent in jungle
clearings and in shady streams (Banks J&J, 1999). It is a swift flying insect which takes part in migrations. The
larva feeds on Maha-Eraminiya plants (Ziziphus rugosa) and Gouania microcarpa.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Crimson-fronted Barbet/ශ්රී ලංකා කොට්ටෝරුවා/හීන් කොට්ටෝරුවා [Sri Lanka Kottoruvwa/ Heen Kottoruwa] (Psilopogon rubricapillus)
Common endemic bird found in forests, open wooded areas, gardens and cultivation from wet lowlands to mid hills, and locale in the dry zone. As all other barbets it is a fruit eater and out of the breeding season forms scattered flocks especially in the neighborhood of fruiting trees such as Bo, Nuga, etc. Otherwise it is mostly encounters as solitary birds or as pairs. The breeding season is from January to June and it lays 2-3 white eggs in a tree hole dug into the lower surface of a sloping branch rather than into an upright post.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Mosaic plant (Ludwigia sedoides)
Mosaic plant is a very recent addition to the flora of Sri Lanka . It is a native plant of tropical central and South America . It was introduced as an ornamental plant and now naturalized in some Sri Lankan wetlands. It was originally recorded from Southwest Sri Lanka (De Vlas J. & J. 2008) and spreading. Above picture was taken at Pahuru Ela marsh of Kelani basin close to the Malvana town.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Ashy-crowned Sparrow Lark (Eremopterix griseus)
Locally common breeding resident in dry lowlands,
especially in coastal areas. Occasionally visit wet zone and hills. It inhabits arid open country, dry paddy
fields and grasslands where it can be seen as pairs or - if it is outside the
breeding season - as smaller to larger flocks. Ashy-crowned Sparrow Lark mainly
feeds on small seeds. It also takes insects and young are largely fed on them.
It is a strict ground dweller and never perches on trees. The breeding season
is from March to July. The nest a small hole dug on open ground lined with
grass sometime with decorated environs with small stones, lumps of clay etc.
Ashy-crowned Sparrow Lark female is very much like to Female House Sparrow but grayer.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
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