Common in all elevations of the island in all
the year round. But rare in the North. It is considered as a pest of Cardamom
plantations since its larva feeds on fruits and flowers of Cardamom or එනසාල් (Elettaria cardamomum) of the family Zingiberaceae. Meistera benthamiana, Zingiber officinale (ඉඟුරු/Ginger), Alpinia calcarata (කලා කීරිය/කටු කීරිය/Indian Ginger/Snap-Ginger), Alpinia galanga, Alpinia purpurata (Red ginger), Alpinia zerumbet, Meistera fulviceps, Meistera trichostachya, Hedychium flavescens (Yellow Ginger Lily), Zingiber cylindricum, Zingiber wightianum and Zingiber zerumbet (වල් - ඉඟුරු/Wild Ginger) of the same are also identified so far as its larval host plants in Sri Lanka.