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Sunday, April 29, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Little Orange Tip (Coltis etrida limbata)
Rather rare butterfly inhabits coastal areas
of north of Chilaw and Tangalla to Hambantota of extreme south. However sometimes
it occurs further inland in north. Those from southern areas are larger, darker
and very richly colored. Its only known larval food plant in Sri Lanka is Maerua arenaria of the family
Capparaceae. W. Ormiston noted of a specimen taken at cart road at Haldummulla,
at least 50 miles from its usual haunts and he believed that it had pupated on
a Hambantota salt cart and hatched out on the way to Haputhale. Similarly he
doubted of specimens of etrida race might brought over from India on the native
boats because in Mannar district specimens that are very close to typical
etrida may be taken in company with
typical limbata.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
බමුණු පියාකුස්සා/බ්රාහ්මණ උකුස්සා/Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus)

Common breeding resident mainly in coastal areas and large marshes and man-made tanks/reservoirs of the lowlands. Also an occasional visitor to the hills. Its food consist of any animal which it can capture such as lizards, young or wounded birds, fish, crabs, large insects etc. Its breeding season is from October to April and the nest made of sticks and twigs in the tree top where it lays 2-3 eggs.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Monday, April 23, 2012
Single Branded Crow/Common Crow (Euploea core)

Very common butterfly found all over the
island in all the year round. It takes part in migrations. Larva feeds on Adenium obesum (Desert Rose) ,Aganosma cymosa, Allamanda cathartica (වෙල් රුක් අත්තන/Golden trumpet/Yellow allamanda), Anodendron paniculatum, Asclepias curassavica (කන් කුඹල/Wild Ipecacuanha/Mexican milkweed/Blood flower), Carissa spinarum (හීන් කරඹ), Cryptolepis dubia, Gomphocarpus physocarpus (Balloon Cottonbush), Hemidesmus indicus (ඉරමුසු/හීන්-ඉරමුසු), Ichnocarpus frutescens (ගැරඬි වැල්/ගෝපි/ප්රියවර්ණ), Leptadenia reticulata (ජීවන්ති), Mandevilla boliviensis, Nerium oleander (කනේරු/Oleander), Ochrosia oppositifolia, Parsonsia alboflavescens (කිරි අඟුණ/වල් අඟුණ), Pentalinon luteum (Wild allamanda/Hammock viper's tail/Sundial), Pentatropis capensis, Ficus arnottiana (පතන බෝ/කවුඩු බෝ/කපුටු බෝ), Ficus benghalensis (මහ නුග/නුග/Banyan/Krishna bo/Krishna's cup), Ficus benjamina (වලු නුග/Weeping Fig/Benjamin Fig), Ficus exasperata (බූ තෙදිය/සෙවන් මැදිය/Furniture Leaf), Ficus microcarpa, Ficus nervosa, Ficus pumila, Ficus racemosa (අට්ටික්කා), Ficus religiosa(බෝ) , Ficus tinctoria, Secamone emetica and Streblus asper, Egg laying also observed on Plumeria rubra (අරලිය/Frangipani/Temple tree)
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Sri Lanka Swallow (Hirundo hyperythra)

Common resident bird recently split from
Red-rumped swallow (Hirundo daurica) adding another endemic bird to Sri lankan list. It is common all over the island in open areas of forests,
plantations, paddy fields and scrublands. Often encounters as pairs and
sometime as small flocks. It flies usually close to the ground and food
consists mainly of small insects captured on the wing. Sri Lanka Swallow built
bottle like nest with mud on roof of a cave, under a bridge or sometime even under a roof of a building or a house. Main breeding season is from April to July.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Plain Tiger (Danaus chrysippus)
A very common butterfly found all over the island
in all the year round while commonest in the dry areas of the country. Its female occurs in two forms; one similar to the male
and other with nearly all orange wings with dark margin and few discal spots only on the hind wings. Both forms of female are mimicked by the Danaid Eggfly. Larva feeds on
Calotropis gigantea (එළවරා), Ceropegia elegans, Cynanchum alatum, Vincetoxicum cordifolium, Vincetoxicum iphisia, Vincetoxicum bracteatum, Asclepias curassavica (කන් කුඹල/Wild Ipecacuanha/Mexican milkweed/Blood flower), Gomphocarpus physocarpus (Balloon Cottonbush), Pentatropis capensis and Pergularia daemia (විස්සනි/මහමැදහන්ගු/Langali )
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Pale-faced Forest-Skimmer (Cratilla lineata calverti)
Pale-faced Forest-Skimmer was described by Fraser as a very common insect on the West Coast of India, but records here in Sri Lanka are only from Kandy (deFonseka T. 2000). However it is a rare forest dwelling dragonfly not only in Kandy but several other forested areas. It breeds in marshes in heavy jungles. (bedjanic, M et al 2007)
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Striped Albatross ( Appias libythea libythea)
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Yellow Wagtail/කහ හැලපෙන්දා[Kaha Halapendha] (Motacilla flava thunbergi)
Winter migrant to the island where it can be occurred as several races
while Grey-headed wagtail (M.f. thunbergi) is the commonest of them which can
be seen throughout the country in grasslands and marshes. There are few other races (M.f. bema [Syke’sYellow wagtail], M.f lutea [Yellow-headed Wagtail], M.f. melanogrisea
[Black-headed Yellow wagtail], M.f. simillima [Siberian Yellow Wagtail], M.f.
feldegg) those are rare to very rare migrants and vagrants to the dry lowlands.
During its stay in Sri Lanka Grey-headed wagtail feeds as scattered flocks on grasslands, dry
tank beds, paddy fields, etc often accompanying with cattle. It roosts communally in reed-bed or swamp
scrub during the night. Grey-headed wagtail
breeds from North-eastern Europe to North-western Siberia .
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Friday, April 6, 2012
Indigo Flash (Rapala varuna lazulina)
Rare butterfly found in lowlands up to
about 500m a.s.l . Its larva feeds on flowers, buds and shoot of Ziziphus oenopolia (හීන් එරමිණියා). Larva also fed on Ziziphus mauritiana (දෙබර/මහ දෙබර/මසන්/Indian jujube/Chinese apple) when offered in the lab.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Plain prinia (Prinia inornata insularis)
A resident bird locally common in paddy
fields, scrub and marsh lands from lowland to lower hills while commoner in the dry zone. Its food mainly consists of insects and spends
its time mostly on hopping actively among grass stems solitarily or as pairs in
search of them. It breeds probably throughout the year and nest a deep cup of
grasses place in grass-tussock or low bush often few feets above the ground (or
water since usually it is situated in a swamp).
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Monday, April 2, 2012
Common Bushbrown (Mycalesis perseus)
Common butterfly distributed throughout the island
while abundant in the hills and scarce in the north. Larva feeds
on Carpet grass/පොටු තණකොළ (Axonopus compressus) , Eleusine indica (බැල තණ/වල්මල් කුරක්කන්/Goose Grass), Leersia hexandra (ලෙව්/Bareet Grass) and Oryza sativa (වී/Paddy) of the family Poaceae. Common Bush brown can be easily distinguished from the similar Dark-brand Bushbrown by four lower ocelli of hind wing. Four ocelli lie in a curved line of this species while those are in straight line of the Dark-brand Bushbrown.
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