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Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
White-browed Bulbul/ගළුගුඩු කොණ්ඩයා/බැම සුදු කොණ්ඩයා [Galugudu Kondaya/Bema Sudu Kondaya] (Pycnonotus luteolus insulae)
Common breeding resident of entire low country and hills up to about
1000m a.s.l. while most common in dry lowlands. It inhabits home gardens, secondary
forests, plantations and scrub lands. White-browed Bulbul feeds largely on
varies type of berries as well as many insects. The main nesting season is from
February to March and the nest, a cup of small twigs, rootlets etc. place on a bush,
usually of 2-3 feet above the ground.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
නිදිකුම්ඹා[Nidi-kumba]/Sensitive plant/Touch-me-not (Mimosa pudica)

Nidi-kumba is a native plant of Brazil and now pantropical. It is said to be
introduced by Alexander moon then director of Peradeniya Botanical garden to the Sri Lanka . However it may have been introduced much
earlier (Flora of Ceylon - Vol 1). It is very common weed of roadsides, waste lands,
etc throughout the island being much common in wet and intermediate zones.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Small branded swift (Pelopidas mathias mathias)
A rare
butterfly more likely to be found in low country. Similar species Little
branded swift replace it from up country while both may be fly in intermediate
mid-country. Small branded swift is much
smaller than Little branded and has complete arc of 5 spots in its under-side
of the hind wings while it is incomplete of Little branded swift. Its larva
feeds on Oryza sativa and Panicum maximum
Friday, December 16, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Spotless grass yellow (Eurema laeta laeta)
Rather uncommon butterfly, found all the
year round in patana grasslands of mid hills (500ft to 3000ft).Spotless grass yellow is a migratory species and its larva feeds on Chamaecrista leschenaultiana, Chamaecrista kleinii , Chamaecrista mimosoides and Chamaecrista nictitans (All Chamaecrista species are known as බිං සියඹලා in Sinhala)
Monday, December 12, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
පොල්කිච්චා[Polkichcha]/Oriental Magpie Robin (Copsychus saularis)
Very common breeding resident of gardens,
cultivations and scrublands of all zones. It avoids deep forests. Oriental Magpie Robin feeds mainly
on insect, hopping on the ground solitary or in pairs. But vegetable foods such
as rice, bread and etc thrown out of the houses are also taken. It is active
even after dusk and territorial call of the male can be heard again before sunrise often
uttered from a top of tall tree or a lamppost. Fierce combats between males
occur occasionally. Main breeding season is from March to September and the
nest is a mass of grasses in a tree hole.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Aggressive Riverhawk (Onychothemis tonkinensis ceylanica)

the type has come from Sri
Lanka , there is no
specimen in the Museum collection, nor have any of the usual authors reported
on having seen any specimens from here” noted Terrence de Fonseka in 2000 (The
Dragonflies of Sri Lanka WHT Publication). However Aggressive Riverhawk is a
rare dragonfly of streams and rivers of lowland and mid-hill forest areas. Above picture of Aggressive Riverhawk was taken at the Kanneliya
forest reserve while it was preying upon a Grey Pansy (Junonia atlites)
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
බළල් සේරා(Balal Sera)/Pheasant-tailed Jacana (Hydrophasianus chirurgus)
Common breeding resident bird of weed
covered tanks and marshes in the low country. It lives as scattered flocks
walking on the floating vegetation using their long toes and claws. It has a cat-like
high-pitch mew, mew…. loud call and hence the Sinhala name Balal
Sera. It feeds on seeds of varies water plants, grains and some aquatic
insects, shrimps etc.. Breeding season is from February to July and nest,
usually a water-logged pile of weeds among lotus leaves where it lays 3-4 bronze
brown color eggs.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
ජපන් ජබර [Japan Jabara]/Water hyacinth (Pontederia crassipes [Syn: Eichhornia crassipes])
A floating herb native to Brasil and other South American countries, which introduced and naturalized in
tropical African and Asian countries including Sri Lanka . It was introduced to Sri Lanka in 1905 as an ornamental plant and
now a common invasive plant in most water bodies such as tanks, canals, ponds etc of lowland dry and intermediate parts of the island . Propagated mainly by runners (stolons) which produced new plants.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Tropic Dart (Potanthus Confucius satra)
Common butterfly of all elevations of the island. Larva feeds on Panicum maximum and Axonopus compressus (Only when offered) of family Poaceae.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
කිරලා[Kirala]/Red-wattled Lapwing/Did-he-do-it (Vanellus indicus)

Common resident of tank edges, paddy fields
and open areas, usually not far from the water in the low country and lower
hills while much common in dry zone. Usually it is encountered as pairs or small
groups feeding on ground-dwelling insects such as grasshoppers, beetles, ants,
termites, etc. walking hither and thither in typical plover fashion. Breeding season is from April to September and
lays four eggs in a shallow scrape on the ground among stones or debris. If an intruder
approaches the nest it takes to wing and circles around the disturber screaming
with its loud call did-he-do-it until the enemy has withdrawn.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Thamba Seruwa/Lesser whistling Teal ( Dendrocygna javanica)
Common resident bird found in tanks, paddy fields and marshes of low country of the
island. It lives as flocks of a dozen or so birds and feeds on paddy, insects
and other small animals. It is partially
nocturnal and uttered its whistling call frequently in flight when heading to
its feeding grounds during dusk from the day retreat which is usually a small
islet in a tank or boughs of a dead tree standing in water. Breeding season is
from December to January and again from July to August. Nest often place in a
water side vegetation or holes in trees usually standing in water.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Monday, November 14, 2011
පුවක්[Puwak]/Betel-nut palm (Areca catechu)

Common palm of home gardens in wet and intermediate
zones of the island up to about 900m a.s.l. Also cultivated close to paddy
fields and canals in dry lowlands. Seed betel-nut mastication with betel leaves,
flowers use as temple offering and also use in traditional rituals, Leaf sheath as trays,
bags and plates. Trunk – as timber in construction works.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Common Palmfly (Elymnias hypermnestra fraternal)
A common butterfly of low country up to about 1500ft elevations.
Much common in areas where coconut cultivations are abundant since its larva
feeds on varies plants of family Arecaceae (Palmae) such as Areca catechu (පුවක්/Betel-nut palm), Borassus flabellifer (තල්/Palmyra palm), Calamus rotang, Calamus thwaitesii (මා වේවැල්/වඳුරු වැල්/පුවක් වැල්/කත් වැල්), Caryota urens (කිතුල්), Cyrtostachys renda (Sealing Wax palm), Dypsis lutescens, Phoenix pusilla, Rhapis excelsa, Saribus rotundifolius including Coconut (Cocos nucifera). Female Common Palmfly (shown in above picture) is very different from males and it
mimic Plain tiger.
Polgasowita, Sri Lanka
Thursday, November 10, 2011
කෝමාරිකා[Komarika] (Aloe vera)
A perennial herb which is believed to be a native plant of North Africa and desert regions of Arabia . Naturalized in North and North –West seashore
and cultivate in home gardens in other areas of the Sri Lanka . Juice of the leaves is used to treat varies types of diseases
in traditional Ayurvedic medicine including coughs, asthma, eye diseases, etc.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Little ringed plover/පුංචි මාල ඔලෙවියා ( Charadrius dubius jerdoni)
Little ringed plover is a resident bird of marshes, mud-flats, drying
tanks and paddy fields, sand banks etc. of the dry zone coastal areas supplemented
by race curonicus during winter migrations. Occasionally it is recorded from Colombo and near by marshy areas like Kotte and
Bellanwila-Attidiya, probably of migrant race. It feeds on varies small animals
taken from dry ground or shallow water. Often feed as scattered flocks and when
alarmed mass together and fly in a dashing manner. It breeds from May to July on
gravely shores, sand dunes or islets of large tanks. Usually three stone
colored eggs are laid in a small hollow scraped in a gravel bank.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
තලගොයා[Thalagoya]/Land Monitor(Varanus bengalensis)
Land monitor is widely distributed throughout
the country from sea level to mid hills up to about 500m a.s.l. It is diurnal and
usually active after having got it body temperature up by basking in the
morning. It spends the night in tree holes, crevices and even in the ceilings
of the houses. Juveniles mainly feed on insects while adults prey on frogs,
small mammals (rats, squirrels), snails, insects, grubs, crabs, eggs, etc. Its
flesh is a delicacy among indigenous Vedda people. Also other jungle
villagers hunt these lizards for its flesh which is believed to be easy to digest
and hence good for pregnant women and invalids. Fighting among males during
breeding season take place in ‘bipedal fashion’ can be occurred and it is believed
that they probably breed all the year round and lays 10-30 eggs in a burrow in
the ground, in termite mounds or inside decaying logs.
Friday, October 28, 2011
තල්[Tal]/Palmyra palm (Borassus flabellifer)

Introduced from India in unknown period of the history and cultivated and naturally
spreading in dry coastal areas of North, North, East and South-Eastern part of
the country including Mannar Island . Almost all part of the tree are used extensively
for various purposes such as timber, leaves for thatching and as olas for
writing, inflorescence tapped for sugar
and toddy, fruit edible, etc.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tawny coster ( Acraea violae)
Common butterfly of the Sri Lanka found in open areas and scrub lands throughout the island, whole the year
round. But it is much common below 2000ft a.s.l. Its larva feeds on Ipomoea indica (Blue dawn glory), Passiflora foetida (Goat-scented passion-flower/Common passion flower), Passiflora suberosa (Corkystem passionflower/Indigo berry), Hybanthus enneaspermus and Adenia hondala (හොඬල/පොතු හොඬල)
Monday, October 24, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
රෑන ගිරවා/මාල ගිරවා [Raana Girawa/Mala Girawa]/Rose-ringed Parakeet(Pstittacula krameri)
Very common breeding resident of low lands
and foot hills of the island. It has a characteristic fast and noisy flight often in flocks. Rose-ringed
parakeet feeds on fruits, buds and seeds and does considerable damages to
ripening paddy. The breeding seasons is from November to June and nest usually
a hole in a dead tree or decaying palm trunk.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Common paddy field frog/Vel madiya (Minervarya agricola [Fejervarya limnocharis])
Common paddy field frog can be distinguished
from similar two other Fejervarya species by the absence of the
longitudinal ridges on the dorsal area of the body and having more or less
round tubercles instead. It is one of the commonest frog of the island found in paddy fields, streams, ponds and such other water bodies. However sometimes
it encounters even far away from the water. It is distributed in both wet and
dry zones of the country below about 1400m a.s.l
Sunday, October 16, 2011
වෙල් රුක් අත්තන[Wel-ruk-attana]/Golden trumpet/Yellow allamanda(Allamanda cathartica)
Widely cultivated plant in home gardens and
also naturalized in the wet zone and in the hill country. It is a native
plant of Brazil and introduced as an ornamental plant due
to its attractive yellow flowering throughout the year. Variety hendersonii bear large flowers
with about 10cm across while it is about 6cm of the other.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Hedge Hopper (Baracus vittatus vittatus)
Common butterfly of patana grasslands
above 1500m a.s.l. Ormiston (Ormiston W. The Butterflies
of Ceylon 1924) especially mentions it as a common insect on the
Horton plains where above picture was also taken. However he further says that it is occasionally
taken along roadsides of Haldummulla (3000ft) and found common at Galaha near Kandy .
According to him those taken below 4500ft are usually smaller than those
from the highest elevations. It is not uncommon in Sinharaja (Guide to Sinharaja - IUCN) and some other lowland wet zone forest areas (personal observations). Its larva feeds on leaves of Garnotia exaristata and Ischaemum timorense.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
තල[Tala]/Talipot palm(Corypha umbraculifera)
Leaves of Talipot palm tree have been using
for writing since ancient times and it has a very restricted distribution
(1) and it is always associated with human habitations. So it is believed
that it was introduced to the Sri Lanka from India for the purpose of documenting Buddhist
sacred text and other writings. Flowering occurs when the tree is around 40
years old and most probably all the trees in the vicinity blooms with flowers simultaneously
possibly because they are of same age due to seed crop of same parent tree.
Other than for writing, leaves use for thatching, as umbrellas and for basket
and mat weavings.
(1) According to the Flora of Ceylon Vol 14
its distribution is limited to the narrow belt bordering northern wet and intermediate
lowlands [Molagoda, Warakapola, Mirigama, Gampaha Mathale, Gampola, Galewela]
and the eastern intermediate lowlands [Badulla, Ranwala, Godakawela]
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Scarlet Basker (Urothemis signata signata)
Friday, October 7, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
වී කුරුල්ලා[Wee Kurulla]/Scaly-breasted Munia/Spotted Munia (Lonchura puntulata)
Very common resident bird of grasslands, gardens and paddy fields throughout the island. It lives as flocks of about
ten birds and feeds on grass seeds and paddy. Scaly-breasted Munia breeds
throughout the year though most nests are found in the period of October to May.
The nest is a ball of grass blades in trees or shrubs. Thorny trees like lime
or orange and sometime areca palm flowers are much favored nesting sites.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Monday, October 3, 2011
කටු කිතුල්[Katu Kithul] (Oncosperma fasciculatum)
An endemic palm with ‘black compressed
spined trunk’ unlike much common Kithul palm (Caryota urens). It grows in wet
lowland hilly areas such as foothills of Peak wilderness, Sinharaja, knuckles range
etc. Usually found in steep rocky outcrops as clusters of trees.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Common Cerulean (Jamides celeno tissama)
A Common butterfly of the island found in all climatic zones throughout
the year. W.Ormiston described unusual
habit of male Common cerulean of taking up a position for days, and attacking
every butterfly of about its own size that passes (The Butterflies
of Ceylon Ormiston W. 1924). Larva of Common cerulean feeds on Centrosema plumieri, Entada zeylanica, Abrus precatorius (ඔළිඳ/Crab's Eyes/Indian Liquorice), Abrus melanospermus, Entada rheedei (පුස් වැල්), වල් උඳු (Flemingia macrophylla), Pongamia pinnata (මඟුල් කරඳ/ගල් කරඳ/කරඳ/Indian Beech/Mullikulam Tree),Phaseolus vulgaris, Neustanthus phaseoloides, Vigna hosei, Vigna unguiculata (මෑ කරල්/ ලී මෑ/වඳුරු මෑ/Black-eye Bean/Cowpea) and Vigna radiata (මුං/මුං ඇට/බූ මෑ/Green gram/Jerusalem pea/Mung bean)
Polgasowita, Sri Lanka
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Sleeping hibiscus (Malvaviscus penduliflorus)
plant of tropical America from Mexico to Venezuela and Ecuador , cultivated in other
tropical countries including Sri Lanka as an ornamental plant. Escaped and naturalized
plants can be found along roadsides and scrub lands (Above picture was taken at Corbet's gap - Meemure road of the Knuckles range). Flowering all the year round.
Friday, September 23, 2011
ලේනා[Lena]/Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum)
common squirrel of the country distributed throughout the island as four sub
species. It is found in almost everywhere except in heavy jungles. Palm squirrel
feeds on nuts, seeds, fruits, flowers, barks of the trees and when lives
around houses rice, bread and such other scraps of humans. Usually it can be
seen associated with yellow billed babblers.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Blue-tailed Bee-eater (Merops philippinus)
Mainly a winter visitor to the Sri Lanka , arriving in August and spread throughout
the island avoiding deep forests, till May of next year though scarce breeding
populations reported from South-Eastern coast. It preys on flying insects such
as bees, wasps dragonflies and butterflies sallying out from top of trees where
it perch often as flocks of few birds usually less than ten. It frequently bath
in rivers and tanks plunging into the water while on the wings.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Common Hedge Blue (Acytolepis puspa felderi)
Locally common butterfly found in forested areas of the island. Its larva feeds on Hiptage benghalensis (පුවක් ගෙඩියා වැල්), Bridelia moonii (පත් කෑල), Bridelia retusa (කැටකෑල), Meliosma simplicifolia (ඇල්බැද්ද), Lepisanthes tetraphylla (දාඹු), Nephelium lappaceum(රඹුටන්), Sapindus emarginatus, Schleichera oleosa(කෝන්/Ceylon Oak) and Peltophorum pterocarpum (Copper pod/Yellow flame/Yellow poinciana), . It takes part in migrations.
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