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Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Kaha-yatimal Kirala/Yellow-wattled Lapwing (Vanellus malabaricus)
An uncommon breeding resident found usually
in very dry habitats of dry lowlands. It is common in coastal belt from
Puttalam to Jaffna peninsula and in Hambantota district. It also occurs in Eastern province and there
are recent breeding records from Udawalawe and Anuradhapura too. It lives as small flocks or pairs in
arid wastelands, fallow fields, dry paddy fields, stony pastures etc.
Yellow-wattled Lapwing feeds on grasshoppers, ants, termites, beetles and other
such ground dwelling insects. It breeds from May to July, laying four eggs
arranged in cross-formation on stony ground among clods, stones, etc. well camouflage with the surrounding. It flies often low and in flight feet project
beyond the tail.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Asystasia variabilis
* Text and species name of the initial post was changed according to the Jep de Vlas's comment below and correct identification given in the subsequently published his second book on flora of Sri lanka.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Tailed Jay/Green Jay (Graphium Agamemnon menides)
Tailed Jay is a common butterfly found in
all elevations of the country throughout the year. However it is much common in the wet zone. It flies very fast and only stops a very short time at each flower.
Also when disturbed it take off vertically to considerable height before fly
away. So that Tailed Jay is considered as a very difficult butterfly to
photograph. The larva feeds on various plants of family Annonaceae such as Annona muricata (කටු අනෝදා/කටු ආත්තා/රට අනෝදා/Soursop), Annona
reticulata (අනෝදා/වැලි ආත්තා), Annona squamosa(සීනි ආතා/අනෝදා/Sugar Apple), Annona glabra (වෙල් ආතා/Pond Apple/Alligator Apple/Monkey Apple), Annona cherimola, Uvaria zeylanica (පාලඟ/පලු කන්),Uvaria macropoda, Uvaria narum, Uvaria semecarpifolia, Uvaria sphenocarpa, Artabotrys zeylanicus (කලු බඹර වැල්/පටික වැල්/යකඩ වැල්), Artabotrys hexapetalus, Polyalthia korinti (මීවැන්න/උල් කෙන්ද), Polyalthia longifolia (දේවදාර/ඊ පෙත්ත/ඕවිළ/ඕලිල), Polyalthia suberosa, Polyalthia cerasoides, Miliusa indica (කෙකිළි මැස්ස/කුකුළු මැස්ස), Miliusa tomentosa, Goniothalamus gardneri and Xylopia championii. Tailed Jay larva also feeds on සපු/Champak (Michelia champaca) and Persea americana (අලිගැට පේරAvacado/Alligator pear).
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
Spot-billed Pelican/තිත් හොට පැස්තුඩුවා/ඔටුමානා[Thith-hota Pasthuduwa/Otumaana] (Pelecanus philippensis)
Spot-billed Pelican is a common breeding
resident in tanks, lagoons and marshlands of the low country dry zone. Birds
originally released from National Zoological Garden of Dehiwela have established a breeding colonies in and around Colombo marshy areas in the wet zone also. It lives as flocks from two or three birds
to a hundred or more. It spend much of its time in fishing, usually as a flock. The breeding season
is from March to May and the nest is a large platform of sticks and reeds,
placed on trees growing in flooded areas or swamps. Usually several nests can
be seen in a single tree together with other storks, herons, egrets and
cormorants. It is a strong flier and sometime flies great heights, usually
forming V formation. Although it is common in Sri Lanka Spot-billed Pelican is considered as a globally endangered species.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Grey Pansy (Junonia atlites)
Common butterfly found in everywhere from
lowlands to about 1000 m a.s.l. Grey Pansy is a migratory species and Ormiston
noted that it appears up-country usually in October, before the regular flights
begin, and the swarms only lasts a few days (Ormiston W., 1924). The larva feeds on Yamazakia pusilla, Limnophila repens (අඹවිල), Hygrophila auriculata (කටු ඉකිරි/නීරමුල්ලිය), Lindernia anagallis, Lindernia crustacea, Lindernia antipoda (විල/Sparrow false pimpernel) and Limnophila indica. Its larva also fed on Strobilanthus diandra (නෙළු) when offered in the lab.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Brown-breasted Flycatcher (Muscicapa muttui)
Brown-breasted Flycatcher or as it was previously known as Layard’s Flycatcher was initially discovered by E. L. Layard
around 1854 from Pt. Pedro of Sri Lanka . While quoting Layard, W.V. Legge in his
monograph on Sri Lankan bird - A History of the birds of Ceylon- mention that
after describing the specimen brought to Layard: “ I name this new species
after my old and attached servant Muttu, to whose patient perseverance and
hunting skill I owe so many of my best birds. This one he brought to me one
morning at Pt. Pedro during the month of June.”(Legge W.V. 1880) That is how it got its 'Tamil' zoological name Muscicapa muttui.
Flycatcher is a rather uncommon winter migrant to the wet zone lowlands to the lower
hills while local and rare in dry lowlands and mid hills. It is a solitary bird
often found in the vicinity of streams in forests and well-wooded areas. It can
be easily distinguished by superficially similar Asian Brown Flycatcher by
Flesh colored lower mandible, legs and feet with white throat with dark
moustachial stripe in contrast with dark brown legs and dark tipped pale lower mandible
of Asian Brown Flycatcher. It flies out and catches small flying insects
usually returning to the same perch or to a neighboring one since it is very attached to its territory.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Dark Grass Blue (Zizeeria karsandra)
An uncommon butterfly found in grasslands
from sea level to about 1500m elevations. It can be easily distinguished from bit
similar Lesser Grass Blue(Zizina Otis) by the presence of a spot in the cell on
the under side of the fore wing. Its larva feeds on Amaranthus blitum, Amaranthus viridis, Amaranthus spinosus (කටු තම්පලා/Spiny amaranth/Prickly amaranth), Coldenia procumbens, Sauropus bacciformis (බිං දෙළුම්/ඇත් පිටවක්කා), Glinus oppositifolius (හීන් අල), Tribulus terrestris (සෙම්බු-නෙරෙන්චි/ගොකටු) and Hypertelis cerviana plants.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
පලා කොකා/කඩොල් කොකා[Pala Koka /Kadol koka]/Striated Heron/Little Heron/Little Green Heron/Green-backed Heron (Butorides striata)
![]() |
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Pale 4-Lineblue (Nacaduba hermus)
Rather rare butterfly found in the mid
country. Its larva feeds on Symplocos cochinchinensis (බෝඹු/වල්-බෝඹු) and Connarus monocarpus (රදලිය)
Sunday, December 9, 2012
දුම්බොන්නා [Dumbonna]/Indian Roller (Coracias benghalensis)
Indian Roller is a common breeding resident
in dry lowlands up to lower hills, while uncommon and local in wet lowlands. It
is common mostly in coconut plantations, chena cultivation and such open areas,
usually as solitary birds or in pairs. It is known as Dumbonna among Sinhalese
people meaning Smoke-drinker since it has a habit of flying over the grass and
shrub fires usually when burning jungles for chena cultivation to catch
grasshoppers, beetles and other flying insects disturbed by the fire. Indian Roller
spend much of its time sitting on a telegraph wires, fence posts or any such
vantage points and flying down to catch its prey, which consists of
grasshoppers, beetles, lizards and such little animals. It breeds from January
to June laying 2-4 white eggs in a tree hole of a dead tree or in a rotten palm
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Friday, December 7, 2012
වල් ඌරා[Wal Ura]/Indian Wild Boar/Wild Pig (Sus Scrofa)
Wild boar is distributed throughout the
island wherever dry zone scrub lands or wet zone forests provides it with enough
cover, from coastal lowlands to the higher hills. It occurs in herds sometime up
to around 30 or more individuals in dry zone national parks while rather small
herds or solitary animals occurs in wet zone forests. It is an omnivorous mammal and scavenge on carcasses of dead animals, kill and eat snakes, worms, eggs and
young of ground-nesting birds and also feeds on fallen fruits and uprooted
rhizomes etc. It causes lot of damages to the chena cultivation, paddy fields,
home gardens and other plantations during its night time forays in search of food.
Wild boar is a prolific animal and breeds at least twice annually and W.W.A.
Phillips noted that it is always the last of the larger mammals to be ousted
from a district where the forest is being opened up (Phillips W.W.A, 1984). Generally the herds are composed of sows with
their young of all ages and the older adult males live solitary or form small
parties on their own and join the herds of females only to the mating. They feed
usually early morning and late afternoon while lying up in a shade during heat
hours of the day. It also feeds during night. Leopards, crocodiles and pythons
can be considered as its enemies other than Man. Leopards mostly take
young piglets whenever the opportunity occurs and there are instances of
desperate fights between leopard and old boars sometimes end up with leopard being killed.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Pointed ciliate blue (Anthene lycaenina laycaenina)
Monday, December 3, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Brahminy Starling/Brahminy Mynah/බ්රාහ්මණ මයිනා[Brahmana Maina](Sturnia pagodarum)
Brahminy Starling is an uncommon winter
migrant to the open and shrubby areas and cultivation of dry lowlands mainly in coastal areas, though unconfirmed reports available of breeding in nineteenth
century. Occasional sight records also
available from wet lowlands, apparently on their way to the dry lowlands from India where it breeds. It lives in flocks and
feed on the ground while large flocks gather at a communal roosting place in
the evening. Brahminy Starling mainly feed on grasshoppers and other insects,
but it also eats fruits and drinks nectar from certain flowers.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Thursday, November 29, 2012
හාවා[Hawa]/Black-naped Hare/Indian Hare (Lepus nigricollis)
Black-naped Hare is well distributed in
scrub and grasslands throughout the island. It is nocturnal in habit in most
areas and during day time lies up in a well camouflaged sheltered patch in the
undergrowth. But in the protected areas such as in national parks, it is active
even during the day time, mostly in the morning hours. Black-naped Hare is an
almost entirely herbivorous mammal and feeds on grasses, shoots, young leaves
etc. It doesn't have definite breeding season and produces one or two young
‘leverets’ at any time of the year.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
පිඹුරා[Pimbura]/Indian Rock Python (Python molurus molurus)
Indian Rock Python is the largest snake in Sri Lanka (with average length of an adult about 3 meters while 4.6m being the longest record (de Silva Anslem, 2009)) inhabiting varies ecosystems from tropical rain forests to coastal scrub lands throughout the country. It has been also recorded from an off-shore island near Trincomalee and from the Horton plains (Somaweera R., 2006). It is mostly active during the night though diurnal activities are also recorded especially during rainy season. Even though it is terrestrial snake arboreal and aquatic habits have been also observed. Indian Rock Python feeds on warm-blooded animals from rodents to adult deer and also monitor lizards and even frogs. There are records of Rock Python preying on leopards and occasional human too. The female python deposit 10-50 eggs inside a rock cave or large tree hole and incubates by coiling around them. It is threatened by skin-trade and also consuming of flesh for medicinal purposes. Rock Python is a non-venomous snake though its bite can cause severe wounds.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Orange-breasted Green Pigeon /ළය රන් බටගොයා/ලැම රන් බටගොයා [Lama-Ran Batagoya/Laya-ran Batagoya] (Treron bicinctus)
Common resident bird in shrubs and wooded
patches of dry lowlands. Local and rare in wet lowlands and lower hills. It
lives as small flocks and sometime congregates freely in large flocks of same
species or with other pigeons (Sri Lanka Green Pigeon, Emerald Dove, GreenImperial Pigeon etc.) in the places where food is plentiful such as when a Banyan tree is
fruiting. Although strictly an arboreal bird it descends to the bank of a
stream/river or a water-hole for drink water, mostly in the morning and in the
afternoon. It breeds from December to May and probably again from August to
September. The nest is a platform of small twigs place in a small tree beside
the jungle path.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Friday, November 23, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
සැළලිහිණියා[Salalihiniya]/Lesser Hill Myna/Common Grackle/Sourthern Grackle (Gracula indica)
Common breeding resident in forest edges,
wooded areas and adjoining home gardens of wet zone lowlands to mid hills and sometime
locally in dry zone tall forests. It feeds mainly on fruits as pairs or small
flocks, usually high in trees, keep in touch with each others by uttering very
loud musical whistling sound. It breeds from May to August laying two eggs in a
deep cavity in a tree.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Monday, November 19, 2012
Tamil Yeoman/Yeoman (Cirrochroa thais lanka)
Friday, November 16, 2012
පැණි කුරුල්ලා[Pani kurulla]/Purple-rumped Sunbird(Nectarinia zeylonica zeylonica)
Common breeding resident in home gardens,
forests and cultivation from lowlands to mid hills while scarce in higher
hills. It lives in pairs and visit flowers all day long to feed on nectar. Also
it eats many small insects. Purple-rumped Sunbird breeds from February to June and probably second
brood again in August- September. The nest is a small hanging structure from a
twig, composed of soft fibers, scraps of lichens etc. bound with cobweb where hen
lays two eggs.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Smallest Swift (Panara bada bada)
An uncommon butterfly found in all climatic
zones of the island throughout the year. Its larva feeds on paddy (Oryza sativa), Echinochloa crus-galli and Panicum maximum.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Intermediate Egret/Sudu Madikoka/Kuda Sudu Koka (Mesophoyx intermedia)
Intermediate Egret is a common breeding
resident from lowlands to the hills excluding north. Paddy fields, marshes,
lakes, mangroves and rivers are its habitats where it can be found solitary or as
flocks of few individuals. Intermediate Egret feeds mainly on fish but frogs,
grasshoppers and other insects are also eaten. It breeds from December to May
and the nest built in a heronry usually mixed with other herons and egrets on a
tree standing in shallow water.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis)
Rather common breeding resident in lowland
tanks, marshes and such water bodies while much common in the dry zone and less in
wet zone. It is also known as rare breeding resident of higher hills (Warakagoda
D. et. al. 2012). It lives as small flocks though solitary birds are sometime
seen. Little grebe’s diet consists of small fish, various water insects and
prawns. It breeds from December to February and probably again in June. The
nest is a floating mass of water weeds where it lays three white eggs.
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Monday, November 5, 2012
Schneider’s leaf-nosed bat (Hipposideros speoris)
Schneider’s leaf-nosed bat is a common insectivorous bat in lowlands and lower hills of the island. It roosts in
large colonies in caves and abandoned buildings during the day time and leaves
early in the evening to feed on flying beetles, mosquitoes, flies, termites and
such other low flying insects. It flies close to the ground among bushes and
trees and human dwellings (sometime entering verandas and even rooms to catch
small flying insects).
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Common Banded Demon (Notocrypta paralysos alysia)
Rather rare butterfly found in wet zone jungles
upto about 1500m a.s.l . It has a rather fast up and down flight with frequently
settling on foliages.
Larval Host Plants
Hellenia speciosa |
Alpinia purpurata (Red ginger) |
Alpinia zerumbet |
Curcuma longa |
Curcuma zedoaria |
Hedychium coccineum |
Hedychium flavescens (Yellow Ginger Lily) |
Zingiber cylindricum |
Zingiber officinale [ඉඟුරු/Ginger] |
Zingiber wightianum |
Zingiber zerumbet (වල් - ඉඟුරු/Wild Ginger) |
Meistera fulviceps |
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Scarlet Minivet/Flame Minivet/Orange Minivet (Pericrocotus flammeus)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Blue Wanderer/Dark Wanderer (Pareronia ceylanica ceylanica)
Rather uncommon butterfly found in low
country below 1800 ft a.s.l. all the year round while seldom also flies in the hills. Its female occurs in three forms and those
forms vary greatly in width of blue markings though all of them are darker than
the male. One such form mimics poisonous Blue tiger and one of another form mimics
Euploea species (Crows) -also poisonous- and by that escape from its predators. Its food plant are Capparis brevispina and Capparis zeylanica (සුදු වෙළන්ගිරිය) of the family Capparaceae.
Monday, October 29, 2012
කොටිකන් වවුලා[Kotikan Waula]/Great horse-shoe Bat/Lesser Woolly Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus beddomei sobrinus)
Great horse-shoe bat is restricted to
forested areas of both wet and dry zone lowlands. However a specimen from
Madamahanwara (1077m a.s.l ) was also collected ( Bats of the Indian Subcontinent – P.j.j. Bates and
D.L. Harrison, 1997). It spends the day time hanging by one foot, with
their wings wrapped around them in a hollow tree or a small cave. Great
horse-shoe Bat lives solitary, in pairs or as small parties of up to three individuals.
It emerges in the late evening from its diurnal roost and flies low over the
ground among low bushes and along jungle paths in seeking of its prey which
consists of beetles, termites and other flying insects. Race sobrinus is
endemic to Sri Lanka .
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Brown Awl (Badamia exelamationis)
Rather rare skipper found in all elevations
of the country in all the year round while scarce in higher hills. It is a
migratory species and sometimes appears in great numbers usually in company
with Ceylon Banded Awl (Hasora badra lanka) and White-banded Awl (Hasora
taminatus taminatus). It is less afraid of sun unlike other two and often visits
flowers even on a bright day. The larva feeds on Terminalia bellirica and Hiptage benghalensis.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
බෝ[Bo]/Peepal/Sacred Bo (Ficus religiosa)

An introduced tree from Himalayan forests of
India to Sri Lanka . Bo is the tree it is said that under which the
Lord Buddha attained the enlightenment. A sprig of that same tree was brought to Sri Lanka in the year 288 B.C. and still survives at
the Mahamevna garden of Anuradhapura – the ancient capital of Sri Lanka – and which is known as the oldest
historical tree. In Sri Lanka it is commonly cultivated at temples,
parks, along roads etc.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
නීලකොබෙයියා[Neela-Kobeiyya]/Emerald Dove/Bronze-winged Pigeon (Chalcophaps indica robinsoni)
Common breeding resident of forests and
well wooded home gardens and plantations of all climatic zones while rare in
higher hills and less common in drier areas. It feeds on various seeds, grains
and berries and spends mainly on ground solitary or in pairs. Emerald Dove
breeds all the year round but peak in February to March and possibly again in
September. The nest is placed in a small tree or bush in jungle usually not
very high from the ground where it lays two eggs.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa)
Common winter migrant to the coastal areas of the dry zone and also
to the some inland water bodies. During
its stay here Black-tailed Godwit inhabits marshes, coastal mudflats, lagoons,
paddy fields and tanks singly or as small to large flocks. Black-tailed Godwit was formerly considered
as a rare vagrant but in 1944 W.W.A Phillips recorded 200 to 300 birds at
Mullativu lagoon (Phillips W.W.A 1978) and since then it has become a common
winter visitor to the island. It breeds in Europe and Western Asia .
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Bush Hopper (Ampittia dioscorides singa)
Common insect found in lowland paddy fields
and grasslands up to about 500 m a.s.l. Its larva feeds on paddy (Oryza sativa), Leersia hexandra (ලෙව්/Bareet Grass) and also on Carpet grass/පොටු තණකොළ (Axonopus compressus) when offered.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Common Redshank (Tringa totanus)
Common Redshank is a common winter migrant
mainly to the dry coastal areas. It is less common in wet zone and occasionally
occurred in inland. It feeds on crabs, mollusks, worms and other aquatic
animals in shallow water in mudflats, salt marshes, coasts, lagoons, etc
solitary or as small groups, sometime with other waders. Race eurhinus (Status of the other race terrignotae in Sri Lanka is considered as uncertain) which is the most common in Sri Lanka breeds in Central Asia .
සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න >>
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012
Indian Cupid (Everes lacturnus parrhasius)
Rather uncommon butterfly occurs all over
the island in all the year round from sea level to about 1500m a.s.l. Larva
feeds on Grona heterophylla (මහ උඳුපියලි/Spanish clover), Grona heterocarpos (ඇත් උඳුපියලිය/Asian ticktrefil), Desmodium triflorum (හීන් උඳුපියලිය/Creeping tick threefoil/Tick clover), Desmodium uncinatum (Silverleaf Desmodium) and Desmodium pryonii of the family Fabaceae.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Brown Shrike (lanius cristatus)
Brown shrike is a migrant to the island. It
occurs as two races in Sri Lanka and race cristatus is the
most common while Philippine Shrike or race lucionensis is
uncommon. Both races can be seen in open areas with trees or bushes throughout
the country. While its stay in Sri Lanka it feeds on insects like grasshoppers,
beetles, etc. Brown shrike (race cristatus ) breeds in central
Asian region and ‘Philippine’ in Eastern Asia.
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